Review: A Corner of White, Jaclyn Moriarty

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Review: A Corner of White, Jaclyn Moriarty

Title: A Corner of White (Goodreads) Author:  Jaclyn Moriarty Rating: Madeleine Tully lives in Cambridge, England, the World – a city of spires, Isaac Newton and Auntie’s Tea Shop. Elliot Baranski lives in Bonfire, the Farms, the Kingdom of Cello – where seasons roam, the Butterfly Child sleeps in a glass jar, and bells warn of attacks […]

Review and Giveaway: Stormdancer, Jay Kristoff

Title: Stormdancer (Goodreads) Author:  Jay Kristoff (@misterkristoff) Rating: Griffins are supposed to be extinct. So when Yukiko and her warrior father Masaru are sent to capture one for the Shogun, they fear that their lives are over. Everyone knows what happens to those who fail him, no matter how hopeless the task. But the mission proves far […]

Review: Legends of Australian Fantasy

Title: Legends of Australian Fantasy (Goodreads) Editors:  Jack Dann and Jonathan Strahan Rating: Celebrate the legends of Australian fantasy. Extraordinary voices … extraordinary worlds. Come to Erith, to a faerie tale with a sting, or to Obernewtyn, long before the Seeker was born. Revisit a dark pocket of history for the Magician′s Guild or get caught up […]

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