Tea in the Treetops: Episode 3: In Before the Stork

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Tea in the Treetops: Episode 3: In Before the Stork

Welcome to the third episode of Tea in the Treetops – a book review podcast I co-host with Philippa, from the Tea, Daydreams and Fairytales blog. In episode 3, we talk about what we’ve been reading, how much we enjoyed the Penguin Teen Australia event, a bit about the Ultimate Book Blogger Plugin and some info about […]

Tea in the Treetops: Episode 1: Introductions

It’s time for something a little different on the Oaken Bookcase today! I’d like to welcome you to listen to the first “pilot” episode of Tea in the Treetops – a new podcast project I’ve been working on with my book buddy Phillipa, from the Tea, Daydreams and Fairytales blog. We plan to make this a fairly […]

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