Review: The Hobbit, J.R.R. Tolkien

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Review: The Hobbit, J.R.R. Tolkien

Title: The Hobbit (Goodreads) Author:  J.R.R. Tolkien Rating: Bilbo Baggins is a reasonably typical hobbit: fond of sleeping, eating, drinking, parties and presents. However, it is his destiny to travel to the dwarflands in the east, to help slay the dragon Smaug. His quest takes him through enchanted forests, spiders’ lairs, and under the Misty Mountains, where […]

Review: The Forever Girl, Rebecca Hamilton

Title: The Forever Girl (Goodreads) Author:   Rebecca Hamilton (@InkMuse) Rating:  Series: Forever Girl book 1 (of ?) Genre: YA Paranormal Romance Published: Immortal Ink Publishing, January 2012 Pages: 354 Paper copies: E-copies: • Sophia lives in a small town where her Wiccan practices are disapproved of by the local church. Research into her family’s history leads […]

Challenges for 2012

Book bloggers love to sign up for Challenges – I’ve noticed this as I’ve visited a load of new blogs lately, and seems like a brilliant way to expand your usual reading habits to include new genres and types of story you might enjoy. Thanks must go to Hannah –  her post reminded me I […]

Year of the Dragon Reading

It seems that 2012 is an auspicious time to be starting a blog about fantasy books – not only is it the Australian National Year of Reading, but it is also the lunar year of the Dragon! National Year of Reading 2012 is the National Year of Reading in Australia, focusing on teaching children to […]

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